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The Evolution of Luxury Product Marketing in the Digital Age

Strategic marketing campaigns based on the conviction that brands can use the external capabilities of social media influencers—such as content creation and distribution capabilities, interaction capabilities, public personas, ability to influence, social networking relationships and public relationship development—have social media influencers used in mind (Enke & Borchers, 2019). By means of these outside resources, the social media influencer can either 

improve or increase their e-WOM efficacy and consumer contact, so attaining focused marketing communication goals (Zhou et al., 2021).From more brand awareness, better brand recognition, and more social buzz around the company to more value and income inside a brand, influencer marketing aims might range (Sundermann & Raabe, 2019). For either one-time or long-term influencer marketing efforts, brands can work with social media 

influencers (Uzunoğlu &; Misciűkip, 2014).Researchers who are studying studies on followers' opinions of influencers as well as what their own traits look like in evaluating influencer marketing results have drawn attention to influencer marketing tactics as a singular and rising phenomena. Research indicates, in fact, that followers view an influencer in terms of physical beauty, leader opinion, and credibility (Farivar &; Wang, 2022; Lee &; Kefi, 202; Sokolova &; Kefi, 202).Digital marketing is expanding ever more years nowadays. Companies and brands 

Can use several marketing techniques 

available to help in promotion. One of them is the social media marketing plan for showcasing their goods and services via influencers.Luxury companies should rethink their digital marketing plan and find fresh approaches to enhance their return on marketing expenditure since consumers' engagement rate usually declines. While catching the attention of important 

demographics and is, a content marketing plan needs to be changed to the suitable social network for each targeted audience, and highlight interesting calls-to-action with an integrated link to checkout.Whether they utilize social media channels for leisure activities, buddy interaction, or product and service discovery, consumers find them to be a necessary tool. 

Social media increasingly plays a significant part in the consumer journey or decision-making process, impacting every phase from awareness, contemplation, evaluation, to purchase and return-of-action. Marketers are thus quite committed in creating social media plans meant to acquire, keep, and grow their consumer base. Therefore, given its share of the global 

Economy luxury fashion is regarded as 

one of the most important sectors since it influences a great portion of it (McKinsey&Co, 2019).Within this sector, luxury fashion is quite important. According to a 2017 Deloitte study on millennial consumer behavior, luxury buyers are more likely to find information from conventional sources including magazines, through videos, websites and blogs. More 

especially, 20.5% of respondents learn about social media celebrity accounts. It is well known from the debate of this article that one of the successful promoting strategies is the digital marketing plan of social media influencers. Techniques that have been tested throughout the years progressively help a brand grow by means of their introduction and promotion of their 

items to a larger audience.From higher brand awareness, better brand recognition, and more social buzz around the business to boost brand value and revenue, influencer marketing aims are also known to vary. Therefore, marketers can enhance this approach to be implemented in their company for development in the marketing of goods and services.The author of this 

Product acknowledges that the debate 

on this is still quite basic and that the research of social media marketing utilizing influencers still suffers certain restrictions.One more restriction is the dearth of material the author has examined for informative purposes in this literary analysis. Therefore, for other researchers or authors might create the same literature study by adding more references linked to the social 

media marketing influencers on different social media. 0; Taillon and colleagues 2020; Wiedmann and von Mettenheim 2020) Originality and quality (Evans et al., 2017; Woodroof et al., 2020) among communications affect their behavioral intentions towards influencer referrals. Furthermore important to know are personal traits of certain followers as loneliness 

and self-esteem (Belanche et al., 2021; Hwang & Zhang, 2018) which also affected their response to influencer marketing.Influencers are social media users who already have a devoted fanbase and have become somewhat famous among others (Veirman et al., 2017). Influencers interact with their audience on images, videos, and other social events on social media to establish online personas on their social accounts (Khamis et al., 2017; Tafesse &; 


Wien, 2018) and also highlighted their knowledge in particular sectors including fashion, beauty, and travel (Audrezet et al., 2020; De Veirman et al., 2019). Following and interacting with celebrity influencers who provide records helps followers to completely support such influencers (Farivar &; Wang, 2022; Jun & Yi, 2020; Ki et al., 2020; Sokolova &; Kefi, 2020).

Physical attractiveness (Lou &; Yuan, 2019; Sokolova &; Kefi, 2020), credibility (Breves et al., 2019; Reinikainen et al., 2020), trustworthiness (Schouten et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2018), and purchase decisions can be influenced by influencers' qualities. Belanche et al., 2021; Martínez-López et al., 2020; perceived social relationships (Sokolova &; Kefi, 2020); 

loneliness  audience demands of followers change with posts posted by influencers. Content uniqueness, creativity  interaction, informativeness, and aesthetics (Ki et al., 2020) post/content elements help influencer marketing efficacy. Along with being thought to be a successful marketing tactic, brands now approach market segmentation via influencer 


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