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Key Trends in Multicultural Marketing for 2024

are less cynical and more interested in commercial messages. For marketers this indicates that communicating with these AA and H consumers via commercial messages is more likely to be well received. However, this is a pattern of thinking that advertising and marketing professionals should not take for granted. In-culture networking and word-of-mouth about products and commercial messages is much higher for AA than for anyone else. Hispanics 

are lowest in this attitude scale. What this means is that AA are more likely to spread influence in homogenous AA networks, while H are more likely to get their influence from others outside their network. This is a finding that has important implications for grass roots campaigns and the stimulation of word-of-mouth. AA are more interested than anyone else in having 

marketers do good for their communities and they are willing to pay more for that. Hispanics share in this preference for brand orientation to their community as well. Marketers who get involved in helping AA and H communities are likely to gain their favor. In contrast to their community orientation, AA are also higher than any of the other groups on their preference 

Individually setting up their paths

AA also hold a stronger belief than the other groups that discrimination is still a problem in our society. A and H are more positive towards sports than AA or NHW. Marketers can capitalize on this tendency by giving their brands better visibility in the context of sports. A are more interested by far in online shopping and in attributing importance to brands in their lives than 

any othercultural group. This attests to the salience that brands have among A. It is the image and reputation of brands that appear to have a high allure among these consumers. The tendencies uncovered in this section cast an important doubt on the potential that the multicultural marketplace can be reached by speaking to commonalities. These attitudinal differences point to idiosyncrasies difficult to reconcile in a multicultural campaign. Brand 

identification differs across cultural groups. A and AA identify with large technology companies like IBM and MSN. A, H, and NHW identify with large established brands like Walmart, Coca-Cola, and McDonalds. A are more likely to identify with “cool” brands such as Nike, Gap, and Sony than anyone else, followed by H. AA and Hispanics are more likely to identify with portal brands including Google, Yahoo!, and AOL. Again, one can see a tendency for emerging 

Minorities to identify with a variety

of brands. It seems that these cultural groups are likely to be the ones fueling the life of brands, both established and new, in the United States. This is a wakeup message for those brands which have not taken the potential of the AA, Hispanic, and Asian emerging markets seriously. NHW and AA are most likely to have homogeneous friendship networks than anyone else. The most homogeneous networks are those of NHW, and the most 

heterogeneous networks are those of A. H also have highly heterogeneous networks but less so than Asians. The implication of this pattern is that NHW and AA are more likely to be influenced by people like themselves, while A and H are more likely to be influenced by others. These tendencies should be taken into consideration for the planning of grassroots and other approaches that capitalize on interpersonal diffusion of information. AA and H were 

more likely to highly endorse most of the values presented to them than NHW or A with some exceptions. This is likely to be the case because individuals who see themselves as climbing the social ladder need strong anchors for constancy and reassurance. Also, the cultures these individuals come from heavily emphasize the importance of these values. Marketing to AA and H needs to be oriented to the values which these consumers believe are important. In a 

Similar vein as above are more

 likely to see the media as influencers in their consumer decisions than NHW. The influence of other people, however, is not different across these cultural groups. That has very important implications because popular wisdom has perpetuated the notion that H, for example, are more influenced by word-ofmouth than others. That is not the case. Word of mouth is a 

common influencer of strong importance that cuts across cultural group differences. This is not in contradiction with the fact that friendship networks can be more or less diverse as stated above. A and H are most likely to have modern technologies like a blog, an MP3 player, and a digital video camera. The least likely to have these technologies are NHW. The 

marketing industry should consider new and different avenues for connecting with these A and H consumers who see themselves as innovators. The fact that these users of new technologies come from cultures that differ from what used to be the mainstream of US society, calls for increased knowledge and sensibility for successful marketing strategies. 


Interestingly, online activities, such as researching products or services, doing school and job related work, and conducting financial activities are more frequent for almost everyone except for NHW. This confirms a technologically oriented pattern on the part of emerging minorities. As seen in the detailed analysis in this report there are some clear differences among all the groups. The opportunity for SEM (search engine marketing) with members of emerging 

minorities is likely to be significantorientation. It seems that for Hispanics being “connected” constitutes part of their satisfaction with life and blogging is part of the communication Gestalt. In addition, blogs could be created to address political problems and immigration issues shared by Hispanics. This tendency for being connected is evident also in other findings in this table. As can be seen, Hispanics, and many times Asians, are more likely than others to 

have a website, a podcast, a mobile phone with a camera, a digital photo and video camera, a DVD burner, an MP3 player, satellite TV, and even wireless Internet access. This allows for increased communication and the potential for creativity, which are prized in these cultures.This Hispanic and Asian affinity for communication technology has implications for marketing. Clearly, these two groups are likely to adopt these communication innovations 


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