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Digital Marketing Strategies for Luxury Brands in the USA

Language to address the research questions and test the hypotheses. Leavy (2017) notes that these methods rely on deductive designs to either contradict or support particular theories and hypotheses by means of evidence. Kaur et al. (2018) note, however, that a descriptive study seeks to explain the link between variables in a population or sample. 

Moreover, structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied in the data analysis after a quantitative survey was carried out to get the main data of the respondents.Sample & Sampling MethodologyCustomers of Big Cola in West Java make up the samples for this research.The reason this place was selected is its culinary tourism, sometimes known as Sundanese Kitchen. The growth of the food and beverage sector during this period has to 

have a clear plan to present beverage product brands, particularly soft drinks.In this study, the method of purposeful sampling—which pertains to research—was selected to ascertain the sample. Etikan (2016) defines this sampling method as nonprobability sampling—that is, a method used by researchers to choose a sample of individuals or units from a population that satisfy particular criteria. The study's sample included Big Cola's domestic consumers who fit 

The luxury following standards ware of

Cola goods and have at least once drank this beverage. tracked any social media influencers they utilized and found one or two of them to be tThe measuring tool for this study was a seven-point Likert Scale questionnaire.First run of a measurement model follows structural model or hypothesis validation. The assessment of the measurement model seeks to guarantee the validity and dependability of the third construct in this investigation. This 

study looked at the measurement model utilizing the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique Of the 24 original indicators used in this study, most have loading factor values higher than the suggested minimum cut value of 0.7. Six indicators of varying SMI, however, show a loading factor value less than 0.6. (SMI1, SMI3, SMI4, SMI5, SMI7, SMI8, SMI9). After eliminating the indication with factor loading less than the cut of value, figure 2 and table 3 compile the 

outcome of the measurement model. Indicating a strong degree of validity, the chart indicates that all indicators for variables having loading factors more than 0.70. a utility for all variables. The scale runs from 1—which denotes strongly disagree—to 7—which denotes strongly agree.Two sections comprise the questionnaire. The first section dealt with the demographic 

Data brand of the respondents including 

age, gender, occupation, and residential area. With 24 item indicators overall, the second section addresses all three variables under measurement.Chen et al., 2021's assessment of SMI efficacy and customer involvement changed from SMI was calculated from seven items; CBE uses eight items. Adapted from Hutter et al. (2020), Variable CBP comprised nine measurement items. The face validity of the statements for the measuring items was 

evaluated in a pilot research (Hair et al., 2014). Complying with the same criteria as the main sample, the pilot study consisted in 20 sample respondents. Pilot study respondent comments helped to clarify and edit questions items.Method of Data collectingThe questionnaire was then once more examined for the validity and dependability of the selected variable indicators following the pre-test research. The questionnaire then is sent to the primary responders 

online using Google forms. The researcher noted on the Google form the aims and objectives of distributing the questionnaire. The answers were then arranged in a spreadsheet and exported to SPSS and clever PLS for more investigation.Analyze dataEvaluating respondents' demographic profiles including age, gender, and locality comes first in the data analysis. After 

That was used in a descriptive statistical 

analysis to guarantee correct data input and to investigate the normal distribution of the data.Moreover, the structural equation modeling was performed via SmartPLS (SEM). Several elements are combined under this system of linear equations into one model (Hair et al., 2014).In the measurement model (Fornell, 1982), SEM offers a benefit over traditional multivariate techniques in that it may concurrently test and estimate correlations between numerous complicated constructs (latent variables).Several stages of SEM-based data 

analysis were carried out. First test the idea in the convergent and discriminant validity of the research. Convergent validity is met if all of the indicators of the variable have loading factors either larger than or equal to 0.7 (Hair et al., 2014). The discriminant validity test was done applying cross-loading and the Fornell-Larcker Criteria. The Fornell-Larcker criterion is 

satisfied when the average variance extracted, which gauges discriminant validity, has a square root greater than the correlation between several variables. Moreover, the cross-loading criteria for discriminant validity is satisfied if the relationship between the variables and their indicators is stronger than the relationship between these variables and the 


indicators of other variables. Examining the values of Cronbach's alpha (CA), composite reliability (CR), and AVE (Average Variance Extracted) comes next as the reliability test. A variable is regarded dependable if its  values all exceed 0.7. Once every indication of validity and dependability has been met, the model is structurally evaluated. Using the heir favorite 

social media influencers they followed, one can investigate the importance of the path coefficients.The responders came from all throughout West Java, mostly from Bekasi, Bogor, and Depok. Included will be just those fifteen years of age and above who have drank soft drinks.the statements for the measuring items was  locality comes first in the data analysis.


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